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Is there Summer School at Hinoki Academy?


Arts and Crafts

Apply for an Open School Day!
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday

The weeks of July 16-August 8


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Ecology Gardening Tour

Now welcoming  students!

In the schools of the future classes are studios that combine developmentally appropriate levels and encourage peer learning and leadership.


We are now welcoming students into our lower Elementary, upper Elementary and Middle-School class studios!


Our school was founded
April 10, 2023!

おめでとうございます to all of the new students!

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When people ask what the aim of education is,
I eagerly assert that the true aim of education is to create a truly free person. 
What is freedom? 
…If we were living and growing up within God's power
and the power of man in the original form of God's creation, 
we would be free people.

— Motoko Hani 
Japanese Educational Reformer,

Christian Feminist and Journalist

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