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Welcome to our new home at the foot of Mt. Ryozen, just a few minutes away from Nanasekawa Nature Park.

Hinoki Academy's


An International Education

We are using best practices in education from Montessori, Steiner, Charlotte Mason, 21st Century Learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), the Socratic method, ACSI, the Japanese culture and national curriculum standards and JIYU Gakuen. We proactively create a classroom environment that integrates subject matter and fosters relationships between students, teachers, subjects, and the world around them.

A Bilingual Education

One of the key strengths of Hinoki Academy is our common use of both the Japanese and English language, allowing wider future life and education possibilities for all students. 

A Free-Thinking Christian Education

Students are encouraged to live lives of compassion and know their worth. They are encouraged to think freely, ask hard questions, create and express themselves. Both love and freedom in education capture the essence of true Christian liberty.

Learning in Nature

Recent studies show that spending time in nature fosters improved emotional health. Sustainable gardening provides a context for learning valuable life lessons such as excellence, faith, trust, beauty, risk mitigation, and modifying actions to create different outcomes.

In the Eco-School students relearn the traditional processes of working interdependently, observing the natural world, way-finding, cooking, farming and bushcraft.

Design & Tech

By harmonizing beauty and technology we give children the ability to express, create, problem solve and innovate.


Hinoki Academy's Middle-School has a focus on illustration, digital animation, drama and visual storytelling. Students will engage in small-scale productions that will include the class' own scientific and historic research, leadership, cooperation, communication through storytelling, musical composition and activating the creative process, from story-board to short-film. 

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.”

-1 John 4:7a




As a school we are touching minds, hearts and hands.


Love is the foundation for life, work, relationships and the learning community.



We call teachers, staff and students to act in honor towards themselves and others. We honor the past and the elderly. We honor children and their hopes. We honor all cultures and people. 


Each class is conducive to creativity, imagination, and discovery. Research shows bilingual and multicultural environments enhance creativity and innovation.


"Teaching children about the natural world should be considered one of the most important events in their lives."

--Thomas Berry



As a school we will operate in excellence and blessing toward our staff, students and community. We will, through our joy in teaching, give students a passion for life-long learning.

Let's learn!

*We are accepting students*

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